Flutter for Web Development in 2023

The article explores the limitations of Flutter for web development, including SEO optimization and navigation URLs. It also discusses the difference between HTML Renderer and Canvas and how Web Assembly can improve the performance of web applications. Despite these limitations, Flutter offers a solution for developers who want to create complex web applications and is moving in the right direction for the future of web development.


Generate PDF from HTML in dotnetcore (.net 7, .net 6, docker)

Learn how to generate PDF reports using HTML and CSS in your .NET Core application without relying on paid libraries. Our tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to achieve this, and how to run your reports in a docker container on any operating system, whether it's Windows, Linux or MacOS. This method is lightweight, fast and easy to implement, making it the perfect solution for creating invoices, quotes, graphs and many other types of reports quickly and easily.